Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely animal farm

When the animals take over the farm the pigs become the animals’ leaders, as they are the smartest of the animals. Major starts out telling the animals about his dream and convincing them that’s how the farm should be like. The pigs encourage that all animals are equal and have 7 commandments to keep the farm in order. After the animals start to agree with Napoleon more and more, Boxer says â€Å"If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right† (Orwell 56) that is how Napoleon gained his motto as â€Å"Napoleon is always right†.The animals became intimidated by the pigs and were too afraid to ever question their decisions. None of the other animals were smart enough to think differently. When Napoleon realizes how much power he has, he starts to take advantage of it. Napoleon starts to tweak the commandments to his advantage. Napoleon creates a rule saying, â€Å"The milk and windfall apples should be reserved for the pigs alone† (Orwell 36). Napoleon has only made this rule to benefit himself and his kind. When Squealer says, â€Å"Surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?† he is trying to scare the other animals into thinking Napoleons doing the right thing. The pigs should not be treated any better than the other animals. This is what started Napoleons corrupt set of values. Napoleon continues to make corrupt changes to the commandments and rules as he gains more and more authority. When â€Å"Napoleon accepted, through Whymper, a contract for 400 eggs a week† (Orwell 76) it was really unfair to the hens and he should have no control over that. Napoleon did not give any sympathy to the hens even after they revolted.Napoleon started to traumatize the hens for declining to give their eggs. Napoleon brought the situation way out of proportion and brutally starved some of the hens to death to get the eggs on time. Napoleon has no right to put the hens through hell just to because he says so. Napoleon started off as a true leader keeping the farm under control but once his control got so immense he turned corrupt. Napoleon made and changed rules to benefit himself. Napoleon became very selfish and unfair to all the other animals.No other animal ever had the guts or smarts to question Napoleons power and decisions; which worsened the situation and made Napoleon become more corrupt. Napoleon had a stern set of rules but if he happened to break a rule his fellow pigs would use a euphemism by adding a few words to the rule to soften the true meaning. If everyone could quickly turn to page 109, last paragraph. The other animals were not very smart so they were fooled into thinking they had just remembered the commandments wrong in the first place.Napoleon had such corrupt morals that he thought any rule he broke he could simply alter it so he was no longer breaking the rules. Napoleon ends up changing the entire commandments after he had gained all the power and money he wan ted. In the end, the most corrupt thing Napoleon did is when he changed all the commandments to â€Å"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others† (134). This brought the farm back to exactly how it had started. This very corrupt decision made the animals think they could not question his unfair decisions simply because some animals are more equal than others.This took away all the freedom and equality that had kept the farm together. â€Å"Absolute power corrupts absolutely† this is exactly what happened to animal farm. Napoleon had started out so against humans and made rules against having any similarities with them. After Napoleon had become more and more corrupt he turned into exactly what he was against†¦ humans. Napoleon let his corrupt decisions get the best of him and alter his mind thinking he was above the rest. The animals were left with no power or leadership and all they had was a selfish, lying, corrupt dictator who acted just as a human.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bloodlines Chapter Sixteen

I EXPLAINED AWAY my chemistry experiment by saying that it was just a substance I had on hand from when I received my tattoo, in the event I had an allergic reaction. I certainly didn't let on that I'd mixed it myself. I think they would've bought that cover story, if not for the fact that a few days later, I was able to get ahold of a formula that helped treat the chemical burns on Kristin's skin. The mixture did nothing for the ink stain – that seemed to be permanent, barring some tattoo laser removal – but her welts did fade a little bit. After that, word got around that Sydney Melrose was the new on-site pharmacist. Because I had extra left over from Kristin, I gave the remainder of the skin cream to a girl with severe acne since it worked on that as well. That probably didn't do me any favors. People approached me for all sorts of things and even offered to pay me. Some requests were pointless, like cures for headaches. Those people I simply told to buy some aspirin. Other requests were out of my power and nothing I wanted to deal with, like birth control. Aside from the weird requests, I actually didn't mind the increase in my daily social interaction. I was used to people needing things from me, so that was familiar territory. Some people just wanted to know more about me as a person, which was new and more enjoyable than I'd expected. And still others wanted†¦ different things from me. â€Å"Sydney.† I was waiting for my English class to start and was startled to see one of Greg Slade's friends standing over my desk. His name was Bryan, and although I didn't know much about him, he'd never come across as obnoxious as Slade, which was a point in Bryan's favor. â€Å"Yes?† I asked, wondering if he wanted to borrow notes from me. He had shaggy brown hair that seemed to be purposely grown unkempt and was actually kind of cute. He ran a hand over it as he picked his words. â€Å"Do you know anything about silent films?† â€Å"Sure,† I said. â€Å"The first ones were developed in the late nineteenth century and sometimes had live musical accompaniment, though it wasn't until the 1920s that sound become truly incorporated into films, eventually making silent ones obsolete in cinema.† Bryan gaped, as though that was more than he'd been expecting. â€Å"Oh. Okay. Well, um, there's a silent film festival downtown next week. Do you think you'd want to go?† I shook my head. â€Å"No, I don't think so. I respect it as an art form but really don't get much out of watching them.† â€Å"Huh. Okay.† He smoothed his hair back again, and I could almost see him groping for thoughts. Why on earth was he asking me about silent films? â€Å"What about Starship 30? It opens Friday. Do you want to see that?† â€Å"I don't really like sci-fi either,† I said. It was true, I found it completely implausible. Bryan looked ready to rip that shaggy hair out. â€Å"Is there any movie out there you want to see?† I ran through a mental list of current entertainment. â€Å"No. Not really.† The bell rang, and with a shake of his head, Bryan slunk back to his desk. â€Å"That was weird,† I muttered. â€Å"He has bad taste in movies.† Glancing beside me, I was startled to see Julia with her head down on her desk while she shook with silent laughter. â€Å"What?† â€Å"That,† she gasped. â€Å"That was hilarious.† â€Å"What?† I said again. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Sydney, he was asking you out!† I replayed the conversation. â€Å"No, he wasn't. He was asking me about cinema.† She was laughing so hard that she had to wipe away a tear. â€Å"So he could find out what you wanted to see and take you out!† â€Å"Well, why didn't he just say that?† â€Å"You are so adorably oblivious,† she said. â€Å"I hope I'm around the day you actually notice someone is interested in you.† I continued to be mystified, and she spent the rest of class bursting out with spontaneous giggles. While I became an object of fascination, Jill's popularity fell. Part of it was her own shyness. She was still so conscious and worried about being different that she assumed everyone else was aware of her otherness too. She continued holding back from connecting with people out of fear, making her come across as aloof. Surprisingly making this worse, Jill's â€Å"doctor's note† had finally come through from the Alchemists. The school wouldn't put her into a different elective that was already in progress. Freshmen weren't allowed to be teacher's aides like Trey. After consultation with Miss Carson, they'd finally decided that Jill would participate in all indoor PE activities and do â€Å"alternate assignments† when we were outdoors. This usually meant writing reports on things like the history of softball. Unfortunately, sitting out half the time only managed to isolate Jill more. Micah continued to dote on her, even in the face of adversity. â€Å"Lee texted me this morning,† she told me at lunch one day. â€Å"He wants to take me out to dinner this weekend. Do you think†¦ I mean, I know you guys would have to go too†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She glanced uncertainly between Eddie and me. â€Å"Who's Lee?† asked Micah. He had just sat down with our group. A few moments of awkward silence fell. â€Å"Oh,† said Jill, averting her eyes. â€Å"He's this, um, guy we know. He doesn't go here. He goes to college. In Los Angeles.† Micah processed this. â€Å"He asked you on a date?† â€Å"Yeah†¦ we actually went out before. I guess we're, well, kind of dating.† â€Å"Not seriously,† piped in Eddie. I wasn't sure if he was saying this to spare Micah's feelings or if it was some protective way to stop Jill from getting too close to anyone. Micah was good at hiding his emotions, I'd give him that. After a bit more thought, he finally gave Jill a smile that only seemed slightly forced. â€Å"Well, that's great. I hope I can meet him.† After that, the conversation turned to the upcoming football game, and no one mentioned Lee again. Finding out about Lee changed how Micah acted around Jill, but he still hung out with us all the time. Maybe it was in the hopes that Lee and Jill would break up. Or it could've simply been because Micah and Eddie spent a lot of time together, and Eddie was one of Jill's few friends. But the problem wasn't Micah. It was Laurel. I didn't think Micah would've been interested in Laurel even if Jill hadn't been in the picture, but Laurel still saw Jill as a threat – and went out of her way to make her miserable. Laurel spread rumors about her and made pointed comments in the halls and during class about Jill's pale skin, height, and skinniness – Jill's biggest insecurities. Once or twice, I heard the name vampire girl whispered in the halls. It made my blood run cold, no matter how many times I reminded myself it was a joke. â€Å"Jill isn't what's keeping Laurel and Micah apart,† I remarked to Julia and Kristin one day. They were amused by my continued efforts to apply logic and rationality to social behaviors in the school. â€Å"I don't understand. He just doesn't like Laurel.† â€Å"Yeah, but it's easier for her to think Jill's the problem, when really, Laurel's just a bitch and Micah knows it,† explained Julia. Ever since the awkward encounter with Bryan, she and Kristin had taken it upon themselves to try to educate me in the ways â€Å"normal† humans behaved. â€Å"Plus, Laurel just likes having someone to pick on,† said Kristin. She rarely spoke about the tattoo but had been serious and sober ever since. â€Å"Okay,† I said, trying to follow the logic, â€Å"but I was the one who called her out about dying her hair. She's hardly said a word to me.† Kristin smiled. â€Å"No fun picking on you. You talk back. Jill doesn't defend herself much and doesn't have many people to stick up for her either. She's an easy target.† One positive thing did happen, at least. Adrian was staying on good behavior after the Los Angeles mishap, though I had to wonder how long it would last. Based on what I gathered from Jill, he was still bored and unhappy. Lee's schedule was erratic, and it wasn't his job to look after Adrian anyway. There didn't seem to be any good solution for her, really. If Adrian gave in to his vices, she suffered the effects of his hangovers and â€Å"romantic interludes.† If he didn't, then he was miserable, and that attitude slowly trickled into her as well. The only hope they had was that Jill would eventually learn the control to block him out of her mind, but from what Rose had told her, that could take a very long time. When the next feeding came around, I was disappointed to see Keith's car parked in Clarence's driveway. If he wasn't going to actually do anything active to help this assignment, I kind of wished he'd just stay away from it altogether. He apparently thought these â€Å"supervising† visits counted as work and continued to justify his presence. Except when we met up with Adrian in the living room, Keith was nowhere in sight. Neither was Clarence. â€Å"Where are they?† I asked Adrian. Adrian was lounging on the couch and put down a book he'd been reading. I had a feeling reading was a rare activity for him and almost felt bad for the interruption. He stifled a yawn. There was no alcohol in sight, but I did see what looked like three empty cans of energy drink. He shrugged. â€Å"I don't know. Off talking somewhere. Your friend's got a sick sense of humor. I think he's feeding Clarence's paranoia about vampire hunters.† I glanced uneasily at Lee, who had immediately begun talking to Jill. Both were so caught up in each other, they didn't even realize what the rest of us were discussing. I knew how much the vampire hunter talk bothered Lee. He wouldn't appreciate Keith encouraging it. â€Å"Does Clarence know about the killing in LA?† asked Eddie. There was no reason Keith wouldn't, since it was open Alchemist knowledge, but I wasn't sure if he would've made the connection to Clarence or not. â€Å"He hasn't mentioned it,† said Adrian. â€Å"I swear Keith's just doing it because he's bored or something. Even I haven't sunk that low.† â€Å"Is that what you've been doing instead?† I asked. I sat down across from him and pointed at the energy drinks. â€Å"Hey, it's not vodka or brandy or†¦ well, anything good.† Adrian sighed and upended one can, drinking the last few drops. â€Å"So give me some credit.† Eddie glanced at the cans. â€Å"Didn't Jill say she had trouble sleeping last night?† â€Å"Adrian,† I said with a groan. Eddie was right. I'd noticed Jill tossing and turning constantly. Vicarious caffeine would certainly explain it. â€Å"Hey, I'm trying,† Adrian said. â€Å"If you could get me out of here, Sage, then I wouldn't be forced to drown my sorrows in taurine and ginseng.† â€Å"She can't, Adrian, and you know it,† said Eddie. â€Å"Can't you†¦ I don't know. Find a hobby or something?† â€Å"Being charming is my hobby,† said Adrian obstinately. â€Å"I'm the life of a party – even without drinking. I wasn't meant to be alone.† â€Å"You could get a job,† said Eddie, settling into a corner chair. He smiled, amused by his own wit. â€Å"Solve both your problems – make some money and be around people.† Adrian scowled. â€Å"Careful, Castile. There's only one comedian in this family.† I straightened up. â€Å"That's actually not a bad idea.† â€Å"It's a terrible idea,† said Adrian, glancing between me and Eddie. â€Å"Why?† I asked. â€Å"Is this the part where you tell us your hands don't do manual labor?† â€Å"It's more like the part where I don't have anything to offer society,† he countered. â€Å"I could help you,† I offered. â€Å"Are you going to do the work and give me the paycheck?† Adrian asked hopefully. â€Å"Because that actually could help.† â€Å"I can give you a ride to your interviews,† I said. â€Å"And I can make you a resume that would get you any job.† I eyed him and reconsidered. â€Å"Well, within reason.† Adrian stretched back out. â€Å"Sorry, Sage. Just not feeling it.† Clarence and Keith entered just then. Clarence's face was exuberant. â€Å"Thank you, thank you,† he was saying. â€Å"It's so nice to talk to someone who understands my concerns about the hunters.† I hadn't been aware that Keith understood anything except his own self-serving nature. Lee's face darkened when he realized Keith was furthering the old man's irrationality. Nonetheless, the Moroi withheld the comments he undoubtedly wanted to make. It was the first time I'd seen any sort of dark emotion on Lee's face. Looked like Keith could bring down even the most cheerful person. Clarence was happy to see us, as was Dorothy. Humans who gave blood to vampires weren't just disgusting because of the act itself. What was also appalling was the addiction that resulted. Vampires released endorphins into those they drank from, endorphins that created a pleasurable sort of high. Human feeders who lived among Moroi spent their entire days in that high, becoming heavily dependent on it. Someone like Dorothy, who had lived only with Clarence for years, hadn't experienced enough bites to really get addicted. Now, with Jill and Adrian around, Dorothy was getting an increased amount of endorphins in her daily life. Her eyes lit up when she saw Jill, showing she was eager for more. â€Å"Hey, Sage,† said Adrian. â€Å"I don't want an interview, but do you think you could give me a ride to get some cigarettes?† I started to tell him I wasn't going to help with such a filthy habit and then noticed him looking meaningfully at Dorothy. Was he trying to get me out of here? I wondered. Give me an excuse to not be around for the feeding? From what I understood, Moroi normally didn't hide their feedings from each other. Jill and Dorothy just usually left the room for my comfort. I knew they'd probably do it again but decided I'd take the opportunity to get away. Of course, I glanced at Keith for confirmation, expecting him to protest. He merely shrugged. It looked like I was the last thing on his mind. â€Å"Okay,† I said, standing up. â€Å"Let's go.† In the car, Adrian turned to me. â€Å"I changed my mind,† he said. â€Å"I'll take you up on helping me get a job.† I almost swerved into oncoming traffic. Few things from him could have surprised me more – and he said pretty surprising things on a regular basis. â€Å"That was fast. Are you serious?† â€Å"As much as I ever am. Will you still help me?† â€Å"I suppose so, though there's only so much I can do. I can't actually get you the job.† I ran down my mental list of what I knew about Adrian. â€Å"I don't suppose you have any idea of what you'd actually like to do?† â€Å"I want something entertaining,† he said. He thought some more. â€Å"And I want to make lots of money – but do as little work as possible.† â€Å"Lovely,† I muttered. â€Å"That narrows it down.† We reached downtown, and I managed a flawless parallel-parking job that didn't impress him nearly as much as it should have. We were right in front of a convenience store, and I stood outside while he went in. Evening shadows were falling. I was off campus all the time, but so far, my trips had all been to Clarence's, mini-golf courses, and fast-food joints. It turned out that the city of Palm Springs was really pretty. Boutiques and restaurants lined the streets, and I could've spent hours people-watching. Retirees in golfing getups strolled alongside young glamorous socialites. I knew a lot of celebrities came here too, but I wasn't in tune enough with the entertainment world to know who was who. â€Å"Man,† said Adrian, emerging from the store. â€Å"They raised the price on my normal brand. I had to buy some crappy one.† â€Å"You know,† I said. â€Å"Quitting would also be a really great way to save some – â€Å" I froze as I spotted something down the street. Three blocks away, through the leaves of some palm trees, I could just barely make out a sign that read Nevermore in ornate Gothic lettering. That was the place. The source of the tattoos running rampant through Amberwood. Ever since Kristin's incident, I'd wanted to delve into this more but hadn't been sure how. Now I had my chance. For a moment, I remembered Keith telling me not to get involved with anything that might raise attention or cause trouble. Then I thought about the way Kristin had looked during her overdose. This was my opportunity to actually do something. I made a decision. â€Å"Adrian,† I said. â€Å"I need your help.† I pulled him toward the tattoo parlor, filling him in on the situation. For a moment, he seemed so interested in high-inducing tattoos that I thought he'd want one. When I told him about Kristin, though, his enthusiasm faded. â€Å"Even if it's not Alchemist technology, they're still doing something dangerous,† I explained. â€Å"Not just to Kristin. What Slade and those guys are doing – using the steroids to be better at football – is just as bad. People are getting hurt.† I thought, suddenly, of Trey's cuts and bruises. A small alley separated the tattoo parlor from a neighboring restaurant, and we stopped just before it. A door opened inside the alley, on the parlor side, and a man stepped out and lit a cigarette. He'd taken only two steps when another man stuck his head out the side door and called, â€Å"How long are you going to be gone?† I could see shelves and tables behind him. â€Å"Just running down to the store,† said the man with the cigarette. â€Å"I'll be back in ten.† The other guy went back inside, shutting the door. A few moments later, we saw him through the window at the front of the store, tidying up something on the counter. â€Å"I have to get back there,† I said to Adrian. â€Å"Into that door.† He arched an eyebrow. â€Å"What, like sneaking in? How very black ops of you. And oh, you know – dangerous and foolish.† â€Å"I know,† I said, surprised at how calm I sounded as I admitted that. â€Å"But I have to know something, and this may be my only chance.† â€Å"Then I'll go with you in case that guy comes back,† he said with a sigh. â€Å"Never let it be said Adrian Ivashkov doesn't help damsels in distress. Besides, did you see him? He looked like some insane biker. They both did.† â€Å"I don't want you to – wait.† Inspiration hit. â€Å"You talk to the guy inside.† â€Å"Huh?† â€Å"Go in the front. Distract him so that I can look around. Talk to him about†¦ I don't know. You'll think of something.† We quickly hashed out a plan. I sent Adrian on his way while I ducked into the alley and approached the door. I pulled the handle and found it – locked. â€Å"Of course,† I muttered. What business would leave a remote door like this exposed and unlocked? My brilliant plan started to crumble until I remembered I had my Alchemist â€Å"essentials† in my purse. My full kit was rarely needed, high school acne crises aside, so it was usually kept at home. But Alchemists were always on call, no matter where they were, to cover up vampire sightings. And so, we always kept a couple of things on us at all times. One was the substance that could dissolve a Strigoi body in under a minute. The other was almost equally efficient at dissolving metal. It was a type of acid, and I kept it in a protected vial in my purse. Quickly, I fished it out and unscrewed the top. A bitter scent hit me and made me wrinkle my nose. With the bottle's glass dropper, I very carefully leaned down and placed a few drops right in the center of the lock. I immediately stepped back as a white mist rose up from the contact. Within thirty seconds, it had all dissipated, and there was a hole in the middle of the door's handle. One of the nice things about this stuff, which we called quickfire, was that its reaction occurred extremely fast. It was now inert and posed no danger to my skin. I pushed down on the handle, and it released. I only opened the door a crack, just to ascertain that there was no one else around. Nope. Empty. I crept inside and quietly shut the door behind me, fastening an inside bolt to make sure it stayed locked. As I'd seen from the outside, the place was a storage room, filled with all sorts of tools of the tattoo trade. Three doorways surrounded me. One led to a bathroom, one to a darkened room, and another to the store's front and main counter. Light spilled in from that doorway, and I could hear Adrian's voice. â€Å"My friend's got one,† he was saying. â€Å"I've seen it, and he said this is the place he got it. Come on, don't play me.† â€Å"Sorry,† came the gruff response. â€Å"No idea what you're talking about.† I slowly began scanning the cupboards and drawers, reading labels and looking for anything suspicious. There were a lot of supplies and not much time. â€Å"Is it a money thing?† asked Adrian. â€Å"Because I've got enough. Just tell me how much it costs.† There was a long pause, and I hoped Adrian wouldn't be asked to show any cash since the last of his money had gone to promoting cancer. â€Å"I don't know,† the guy said at last. â€Å"If I was able to do this copper tattoo you're talking about – and I'm not saying I can – you probably couldn't afford it.† â€Å"I'm telling you,† said Adrian. â€Å"Just name your price.† â€Å"What is it you're interested in exactly?† the man asked slowly. â€Å"Just the color?† â€Å"I think we both know,† said Adrian cunningly. â€Å"I want the color. I want the ‘bonus effects.' And I want it to look badass. You probably can't even do the design I want.† â€Å"That's the least of your worries,† said the guy. â€Å"I've been doing this for years. I can draw anything you want.† â€Å"Yeah? Can you draw a skeleton riding a motorcycle with flames coming out of it? And I want a pirate hat on the skeleton. And a parrot on his shoulder. A skeleton parrot. Or maybe a ninja skeleton parrot? No, that would be overkill. But it'd be cool if the biker skeleton could be shooting some ninja throwing stars. That are on fire.† Meanwhile, I'd still seen no sign of what I needed, but there were a million nooks and crannies left to explore. Panic began to rise in me. I was going to run out of time. Then, seeing the darkened room, I hurried over to it. With a quick glance toward the store's front, I flipped on the light and held my breath. No one must have noticed anything because the conversation continued where it had left off. â€Å"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard,† said the tattooist. â€Å"That's not what the ladies are going to say,† said Adrian. â€Å"Look, kid,† said the guy. â€Å"It's not even about money. It's about availability. That's a lot of ink you're talking about, and I don't have that much in stock.† â€Å"Well, when will your supplier deliver next?† asked Adrian. I stared in awe at what I had found: I was in the room where the tattooing took place. There was a lounging chair – much more comfortable than the table I'd received my tattoo on – and a small side table covered with what appeared to be freshly used implements. â€Å"I've already got some people wait-listed ahead of you. I don't know when there'll be more.† â€Å"Can you call me when you know?† Adrian asked. â€Å"I'll give you my info. My name's Jet Steele.† If not for my own tense situation, I would've groaned. Jet Steele? Really? Before I could think much more about it, I finally found what I'd been looking for. The tattoo gun on the table had its own ink container, but sitting nearby were several smaller vials. All of them were empty, but some still had enough metallic residue of their former ingredients to tip me off. Without even thinking twice, I quickly began recapping them and putting them in my purse. Nearby, I noticed some sealed vials full of dark liquid. I froze for a moment. Carefully, I picked one up, opened it, and took a sniff. It was what I'd feared. I screwed the lid back on and added those vials to my purse. Just then, I heard a rattling behind me. Someone was trying to open the back door. I'd bolted it behind me, however, and it didn't give. Still, it meant my time for snooping was up. I was just zipping up my purse when I heard the store's front door open. â€Å"Joey, why's the back door locked?† an angry voice demanded. â€Å"It's always locked.† â€Å"No, the bolt was on. From the inside. It wasn't when I left.† Cue my exit. I flipped off the light and began hurrying back through the storage room. â€Å"Wait!† exclaimed Adrian. There was an anxious note to his voice, like he was trying to get someone's attention. I had the uneasy feeling that the two guys who worked here were headed back behind the counter to investigate. â€Å"I need to know something else about the tattoo. Can the parrot also be wearing a pirate's hat? Like a miniature one?† â€Å"In a minute. We have to check something.† The voice was louder than before. Closer. My hands fumbled as I unlatched the bolt. I managed it and opened the door, hurrying out just as I heard voices behind me. Without pausing to glance back, I shut the door and ran out the alley and up the street, back toward where I'd parked. I was pretty sure the guys hadn't gotten a good look at me. I think I'd just been a figure darting out the door. Still, I was grateful for the crowds of people on the street. I was able to blend in as I turned my attention to my car and unlocked the door. My hands were sweaty and shaking as I fumbled with the keys. I wanted badly to look behind me but was afraid of attracting the attention of the two men, if they were out searching the street. As long as they had no reason to suspect me – A hand suddenly grabbed my arm and jerked me away. I gasped. â€Å"It's me,† said a voice. Adrian. I breathed a sigh of relief. â€Å"Don't look back,† he said calmly. â€Å"Just get in the car.† I obeyed. Once we were both safely inside, I took a deep breath, overwhelmed by the pounding of my heart. Fear-born adrenaline surged in my chest, so strongly it hurt. I closed my eyes and leaned back. â€Å"That was too close,† I said. â€Å"And you did good, by the way.† â€Å"I know,† he said proudly. â€Å"And actually, I kind of want that tattoo now. Did you find what you were looking for?† I opened my eyes and sighed. â€Å"I did. And a whole lot more.† â€Å"So, what is it? They're putting drugs in tattoos?† â€Å"Worse,† I said. â€Å"They're using vampire blood.†

Continuing My Education

Running Head: Continuing My Education1 Why Continuing My Education Is Important To Me Carla Conley English Composition I Professor Victoria Stamm October 29, 2010 Continuing My Education2 Returning to school for me at this point of time in my life is very important. I have quite of few things I want to accomplish in life, and one definite thing is receiving my degree. I now work for a large health insurance company, which has many good paying jobs, but unfortunately, I do not have the education or qualifications for these positions.Therefore, my first reason to receiving my degree is to get a promotion. I do not want to be stuck in the same position that I am in now even though it is kind of challenging. I would like to be promoted to something more that I will enjoy doing. Please understand I am glad to have a job, but I would like to earn more money. I think by receiving my degree I can make much more money. In addition, this will help me to gain additional training to help me in m y position that I am in now. Taking a couple of classes at Ashford University has made more alert and organized.Therefore, gaining more education is a plus for me, because I will be more knowledgeable, and be able to get the career I want. In addition, it will make me more self-assured, and keep me ahead of the game for when my daughter starts grade school. These days’ children are being taught college courses, and I have to be smart enough to help her. I think it is wonderful to get all the education I can to help to help me to proceed better on my job. I am going to school for Health and Human Services, so that that will definitely be a career change for me.This is something that I have been interested in for a while. I am extremely excited that I am able to take two courses in one. Many schools do not offer both Health and Human Services for one major. As a result, I feel that I am accomplishing two goals at once. Continuing My Education3 Even though I want to accomplish r eceiving my degree for professional reasons, I do have personal reasons too. One is self-improvement. This will make me feel that I can do anything in life once I receive my degree. See I have a best friend from school; I still stay in touch with, and her name is Tia.She is another reason I am going back to school. After graduating from college, she was able to find a good career, and buy a beautiful house. She was a single mother with two children doing all of this. In addition, I see people who are older than I am going back to college. That is a motivator for me. Especially since, I have put it off for so long. Although, I am excited about starting school again, it still has not been a joy ride for me. I have to admit that I am really struggling doing my assignments.I find myself procrastinating quite a bit. I tell myself that I am going to stop doing this, but I seem to be stuck on these assignments. I am really struggling with these writing assignments. I would not mind writing if there were not so many guidelines to follow. I just hope that I am able to continue my education and do not get frustrated with these assignments coming up. Unfortunately, I know this is not going to get easier. As a result, I have to stop putting things off, have better time management, organization, and better studying skills.Again, I cannot express how important it is for me to enhance my education. I am not a dumb person, but I think I can be even smarter by going back to school. I have great common sense. Therefore, with gaining more education I think I will be a genius in my own world. Another reason for furthering my education is to be the first to receive my degree in my family. Continuing My Education4 Quite of few of us have been going to school for a while, but we quit. Consequently, I hope by receiving my degree this will make some of my family embers want to go ahead and get their degree. In addition, I want to be an inspiration for my daughter. I know many of times I hear parents tell their children that furthering their education is important, but they do not have a degree their-selves. When a child sees that, he or she is not inspired as much to further their education. I was determined not to let that stop me though from going back to school, because no one else has any degree in my family. Thus, I think it is important to have that degree under my belt.I have to remember whatever is going on in my life I have to accomplish this goal this time around. I cannot keep coming up with excuses. If I do not finish this time I will never finish. In addition, you are never too old to accomplish anything in life. Life is short, so I have made the best of it and try to accomplish as many goals as I can. I hope that when I graduate and receive my degree I can write a complete paper about fulfilling my goal. Continuing My Education5References Sole, K. (2010). Essentials of College Writing. Retrieved from https://content. ashford. edu/AUENG121. 10. 1

Monday, July 29, 2019

Key Performance Indicators Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Key Performance Indicators - Assignment Example Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is â€Å"a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis† (ECCJ 2006). This paper aims at providing an overview of the theoretical and conceptual developments in relation to the increased emphasis on social accountability of those who are responsible for managing businesses and Corporate Social Responsibility, which in turn assists the businesses to establish corporate policies and practices which are meant to pose a positive impact on the social environment. In the modern business world of today, each industry and business plays the role of bringing stability by satisfying the needs of the customers. As the businesses all around the world are growing and developing, every interested individual or organization, whether he is a consumer or investor is asking corporations to conduct their operations in a more efficient and accountable way, which conforms to the ethical requirements. This emerging demand from the elements within the society has forced the organizations to adopt a modern concept named CSR. This paper generally focuses on the theoretical fra mework related to CSR and developments related to CSR in the world so as to analyze the businesses and their operations on these identified parameters. What is Corporate Social Responsibility... Customers got chance to network purchase by 750 store located in UK. Per year 130 million customers got services and 6 millions ordered by online and phone. The important factors that help to move forward to the company are Differentiated and market leading formats, Leveraging scale and infrastructure, Product ranges and related services, Delivering value to the customer, Efficient cost base and financial strength etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ‘JD Sports’ is another retail company running in UK. From 1981, in Oxford Street, the company started their business and clothing, footwear, sports items and accessories are the main products. The company earns more than ? 769.8 million in 2010 financial year. Kesa electronic company sells electronic items. â€Å"The principal products sold by the group are categorized as white, brown and grey electrical goods and related accessories. White goods comprise large and small sized domestic appliances, such as refrigerators, washing ma chines, microwaves, coffee machines and irons† (Products and Services 2011, para. 1). Gray goods are included telecommunications and multimedia products like mobile phone, Computers, digital cameras scanner, printer etc. Brown goods means all vision and audio products like  DVD players, flat-screen televisions, MP3 players and camcorders. The company â€Å"is ideally placed to offer associated services such as home delivery and installation, credit and extended warranties. In addition, the development of digital convergence has provided us with the opportunity to offer a range of ‘paid for’ services† (Products and Services 2011, para. 5). The company’s group revenue was increased to 7.6% that up to â‚ ¬2567 million. The company effectively approached with corporate social

Sunday, July 28, 2019

OBSERVE PAPEER OF OBESITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

OBSERVE PAPEER OF OBESITY - Essay Example Observing these factors during my obesity study, I observed that even the eating habits, food choices, dressing and physical wellbeing is important nowadays when choosing friends. I have observed that obese people generally have obese friends and feel more comfortable with them. It was also observed that their sitting, eating and body movements are also similar. For the matter of fact, I bind obese people as a distinct group having similar habits, behaviors and characteristics. To understand the behavioral characteristics and needs of this group, I decided to conduct an observational study which was not longer but interesting and informative. In order to understand the factors for the observation purpose, I visited KFC being one of the largest fast food chains. During my 6 hours stay at KFC, I observed that around 65% of people (including males and females both) visiting KFC were either obese or overweight. Obese people with children were more likely to carry obese children. This may be due to genetically transferred obesity or due to the transference of the same eating habits from parents to the children. Obese children, during the study, were observed to opt for cold drinks and French fries usually. They were found to have candies, chocolates or some sort of dessert when they entered. This showed their inclination towards sugary food which may be linked to heir obesity. It was also observed that obese people mostly checked in with people of similar body structure. They felt more comfortable with their company and showed greater satisfaction during their stay as compared to those with slimmer companions. The observable difference between them lied in the meal they ordered, the way they ate and the pace of their eating. Obese people with similar companions showed more informal manner of sitting and eating. They took lesser time on ordering meals and chose different drinks and meals as per

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why South African Constitution is better than the United State's Essay

Why South African Constitution is better than the United State's constitution - Essay Example The constitution also provides for the bills of right, how it enshrines bills of right is one of the most important issues that are being looked for in the constitution to demonstrate its efficacy. One can make a conclusion whether the constitution is meant to suppress its citizen or for their prosperity. How it recognizes the freedom and the rights of the citizen for economic growth is also a factor to consider in assessing the accommodative nature of the constitution.1 Difference in the US and SA Constitution Mark Kende in his writing has compared the constitution of the US and that of South Africa with assertion that the South African constitution in this regard remains detailed and inclusive than that of the US. Kende posits that the US constitution provides more for the negative values as compared with the South African constitution, this he summarizes in his theory that liberty should presume subsistence.2 Kende also urges that the human right experts have caste the fundamental human rights in to three generations; the political and civil rights, socio-economic rights, and green right. In this reference of human rights classification, Cass Sustein also resonates with Kende that in the consideration of the three classifications, the South African constitution remains admirable compared with that of the US.3

Friday, July 26, 2019

Michelangelo on the Divine, Universal truth and Beauty Research Paper

Michelangelo on the Divine, Universal truth and Beauty - Research Paper Example elangelo, a renowned artist whose works of early thirteenth century are popular, is a proper example of artists whose works illustrates philosophy behind it. This paper seeks to examine Michelangelo’s works of art on Divine, universal truth and beauty. Michelangelo’s creative work of sculpture in Rome brings about the issue of divine and beauty. We view him presenting the images of the characters in the bible and their actions. We see Adam’s image eating the apple, and besides him there is Eve (Michelangelo 56). Everything that happened in the Garden of Eden is captured by his work. He even goes to the extent of imagining the image of the angel who gave the orders in the Garden of Eden. He further decorates the chapel with beautiful images of Cain and Abel offering their sacrifices and their reactions after the sacrifice. Daniel, Zachariah and Haman are among the characters Michelangelo sculpts in the chapel thus decorating it (Condivi 24). I can imagine the scenery in the chapel accompanied by its divine significance to the ones who see them. The fact that Michelangelo chose to use the characters of the holy bible to do his work signifies some kind of divine connection. The writer of Michelangelo’s biography describes the situation under which Eve sculpted by Michelangelo acts. How she is guilty and fearful of justice and hope for divine mercy. The fact that Michelangelo’s paintings are more beautiful is not something easy. When asked, Michelangelo argue that all the work of paintings is done by his brains and not the hands (Molyneux 78). This implies that Michelangelo frequently prefer to link the philosophical art with his brain. Moreover, he lends himself fully to the source of divine things in his art; the beautiful nature. Each and every thing that is in nature should be looked at with appropriate keenness (Kool 15). It is by observing this nature keenly that Michelangelo came up with such beautiful paint ings. As the saying goes that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Why does Hollywood hates Arabs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why does Hollywood hates Arabs - Essay Example We can infer this typical stereotyping from a film â€Å"Reel Bad Arabs† which does not require the audience to have an impression about what Arabs and Muslims are. It resembles the word â€Å"Real Bad Arabs† which the word alone passed a negative judgement about a certain group of people with a distinct culture without even inquiring the essence of Mohammedism. This stereotyping is typical and often feeds and enflames on the prejudice against Muslims and Arabs. It rides on the negative aspect of pathos, or capitalizing on the negative emotional connotation and impression about Arabs to sell as a film by highlighting Arabs and Muslims as bad guys as initially conveyed by the news. This is quite effective because this approach appeals to the basic instinct of people which is fear. Fear is common among people and Hollywood use this to elicit interest among the audience of its films by demonizing the Arabs and Muslims whom fear can feed on. It is only unfortunate that this fear can later turned into loathing because it is human nature to reject and abhor things that its fears. Arabs and Muslims then became as a favorite enemy of Hollywood when its audience subconsciously wants to confront and overcome its fear. It then exalts the virtue of overcoming a challenge at the expense of another group of people who are helpless about their portrayals in the films. Demonizing Arabs does not even have to be logical. The tile â€Å"Reel Bad Arabs† is not even intelligible nor have any shade of logos in it but its producers knew that it does not have to be reasonable or logical in the presentation of its film to have an audience. Hollywood knows that when people’s pathos are awakened, the logos can be overshadowed because the audience are already entertained by capitalizing and feeding on their fears. This fear was even made into humor by Leslie Nielsen in the film â€Å"An American Carol† where Leslie

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Visiting Getty Vila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Visiting Getty Vila - Essay Example To her right is an image of the man who seems to be placing something in the bowel held by the woman in her left hand. This woman is naked at the top and she is standing in an attractive stance. Her hair is plaited and her naked chest exposing her breasts is emblazoned with a necklace showing flowers. In the left corner of the plaque, it can also be seen that there are different ornaments placed on what looks like a round table. The vessels are of different shapes and they seem to represent different types of treasure. Upon closer analysis of the plaque, it can be seen that it is designed from an outdoor setting. It seems there is a large tree branch stretching from the upper left corner of the plaque through to the right. Again, I noticed that the child depicted in the portrait is holding a ball in his left hand. He is also standing on a rectangular box probably used to store different types of wealth. The bowel held by the women in her left hand is used to collect different types of treasure which will be stored in a safe place later on. To a larger extent, I believe this piece of art was superbly designed. During the ancient period, silver was used to design different types of treasure. This precious mineral was smelted and designed into different shapes depicting different types of artifacts. Even up to date, I believe that silver is still regarded as one of the most precious minerals found across the globe. It symbolizes wealth and the more silver one had in procession, the wealthier they are considered. In my own opinion, I think this piece of art is authentic in that even up to date, silver is still used to measure the level of wealth possessed by a certain individual or group. This plaque seemed to have been developed during ancient period when there were still little technological developments that could be used to smelt this mineral. It seems that the people who lived during this period were technologically advanced such that they

Airports and ground handling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Airports and ground handling - Essay Example te a close collaboration between the top management of air transportation system including airline managers, handling agents, government agencies, as well as specialist agencies and the airport operators. The airport operators vary significantly in relation to the ownership, management structure, funding and degree of autonomy, thus making the manner with which one airport is managed to be significantly different from the other. Nevertheless, each airport operator is faced with challenging tasks of coordinating all services to enable the efficient functionality of the airport system. Each airport operator has a unique responsibility, but all assume the overall responsibility for control and coordination of the operations of the airport. In an attempt to understand the nature of work of the airport operations and the management system of the airports, this paper will analyze some of the future challenges operators are faced with, as well as analyze some of the consequences of these challenges. The paper will also provide an analysis of some of the mitigation measures that can be employed by the airport operators in the event of the potential future challenges. Airport operators are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of passengers and freight through the development of a safe airport environment. However, in some instances, there have been reported incidences when terrorist have managed to evade the security checks and measures in some of the modern and technologically sophisticated airports and managed to spill terror to the airline passengers and crew. An example of the June 8th 2014 terrorist attack on Jinnah international airport, Pakistan, resulting to the death of 36 people is an indication of the sophistication of terrorist attack on airports. Current terrorist attacks on airports are indications that terrorism in the 21st century has revolutionized and points to the development of more sophisticated methods that could be used by

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Borrowings in Classical Music Between Countries, Composers, Different Essay - 1

Borrowings in Classical Music Between Countries, Composers, Different Ages - Essay Example The opera Fidelio was performed in 1805 and was the only opera of L. Beethoven. 1805 was a watershed between German Classicism and German Romanticism marked a new era in German music and artistic movement. The opera Fidelio belongs to German Classic era depicting domestic comedy and high seriousness of social landscape. The artistic movement of this age was open to every foreign idea, new or old, and interested itself in every accessible literature. It was partly because the artistic movement was not deeply rooted in the national life that it drew so much of its matter from foreign sources, until as critics have seen a desire for national originality began to arise, in advance of patriotism. It is obvious that the free use of the intellectual and artistic capital of German’s neighbors was an advantage, even a necessity for Germany in her backward condition; these countries themselves had freely plundered superior civilization in their own day as every 'young' literature must; these in their particular made no secret of his immense debt to France and England. That the results of these borrowings were not always fortunate goes without saying; Insel Felsenburg and Die schwedische Grà ¤fin have few of the merits of the work of Defoe and Richardson. But what is perhaps peculiar to Germany in this matter of imitation is that the habit became so deeply rooted that even national pride could not affect it much, and came in fact, by a natural compensation, to claim this very receptivity as a national virtue (Breuilly, 2001). The German nation, narrowly confined geographically and politically disunited, cannot be expected to produce one, and, speaking just after the French Revolution, Goethe hesitates to wish for the upheaval that would be required in Germany to prepare the way for classical works. But his words indicate that it is by no means certain that he would have disapproved of the Nationalism of modern Germany if he could have lived to see it (Gagliardo 19 91). He might have looked upon it as a necessary stage in the evolution of truly classical German literature.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Day of the Butterfly Essay Example for Free

The Day of the Butterfly Essay Honest, critical but not prejudiced or judgemental: comments about Myra having the smell of fruit or her clothes, which objectively point out her difference from others but does not judge her with contempt Characterisation: -Myra a)Looks awkward (sleepy eyes suggests she is tired or heavy-laden with worry unlike other carefree children; her clothes too big for her suggest she has to take on an adult role when she is too young to do it) b)uncommunicative girl who doesn’t fit in with the rest of the class c)poor (dress too big for her might be because it has been handed down), parents own fruit shop – she smells of ripe fruit. Her future is limited as she will probably have to help her family with the shop d)Immigrant ‘Brown skin’, her language is not American in its style ‘please teacher†¦my brother has wet himself’ e)Has to take on responsibility at a young age and does not have much opportunity to be a child f)Is quite frail and sickly – linked to poverty -Helen a)The narrator whose point of view the reader takes b)a person trying to be friendly to Myra. She is trapped between her sympathy for Myra and the rest of the class – takes the role of an ‘ally’ c) lives in the country (farm girl), also a little insecure – she used to do the same thing as Myra slowing down in case whoever was behind wanted to talk to her -Class a)A microcosm of ‘society’ b)A group that has â€Å"leaders† like Gladys Healey who bully students like Myra and â€Å"force† others, who act as followers to do the same or face similar marginalisation -Gladys Healey a)The class ‘leader’ that the other classmates follow ) She enjoys wealth and is popular because she has access to all good things associated with childhood – quality clothing -Teacher a)significant female adult character trying to help but in fact, may be more a part of the cause – artificiality (birthday party when it is not Myra’s birthday), persuading the class to play with Myra (because she is left out) â€Å"Do you think you would be very happy, if you were left back there? † b)represents the role of adults in social reproduction of class difference Mood: Reflective – which goes with the narrator reflecting on this childhood experience when she is a lot older â€Å"This sound [children playing on the street] made Myra’s future turn shadowy, turn dark. Imagery -symbol of blue butterfly, symbolising freedom

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Social Problem Of Prostitution

The Social Problem Of Prostitution Prepare a discussion of at least four substantial paragraphs answering the questions that follow. Use at least one source beyond the course text that supports your position (remember to cite your source in APA style). Respond to at least two of your classmates postings. What would be the consequences for society if we could effectively halt the practice of prostitution? Should we do this even if we could? Could prostitution ever by organized such that it did not result in the exploitation of women? My Response There would be an increase in social problems; more rape, abuse, poverty, violence, trafficking, and underground prostitution if the practice of prostitution was effectively stopped. If we halted the practice of prostitution, we might as well halt the practice of pornography also. I am against legalizing prostitution but do not think it should be banned, because no matter what, prostitution will always be around. I believe prostitution is wrong, by legalizing it, some will think allowing sex outside of a marriage is ok, leading to more divorces, disease, and promote the approval of womens degradation (Henslin 2008, p. 79). Women are not objects, and should not be for sale. I like this statement from former Swedish Deputy Prime Minister, Margareta Winberg (2002), Prostitution and trafficking causes, gender inequality, sex and racial discrimination, and economic deprivation, as well as the rule of law, crime control, law enforcement and corruption (Winberg 2002, Sweden as Chair section para.5 ) In my opinion, streetwalkers should be incorporated into a red zone, or red light district, by doing this would help keep the drug addicts, and disease inflicted people separate from others. They should have to pay taxes, and have a rule where there are no sex services provided after a certain A.M. hour, like individual state laws on bar closing hours. If prostitutes or clients are found outside of that area, or after hours, they should be arrested. All other prostitutes would work as an escort, call girl or in a brothel, be regulated, and have proof that all employees have been tested for diseases and all employees will be taxed like any other worker. Legalizing prostitution will still exploit women. Searching for prostitution prevents law enforcement from responding to other victims and dangerous felons, and most of the time only the prostitutes are arrested, not the pimps, clients, or the strip club owners/managers, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ By legalizing prostitution, laws could be enforced against people who abuse, or are violent against sex workers. Child sex, sex trade, forced labor, and kidnapping would be easier to target. To try to lower or halt the practice of prostitution, we need to warn women against solicitors and stop them, in order to encounter the demand for prostitution. Men, are usually the buyers of commercial sex acts, and the biggest consumers, of trafficked and prostituted women and children. Men do not respect prostitutes, but use them for entertainment, sexual gratification, acts of violence, and use them to meet their emotional needs, not their physical needs. In order to reduce victims of prostitution, and encounter the exploitation of women, all the components of the demand need to be punished; the men who purchase the sex acts, the exploiters, traffickers, pimps, and the culture that lies about the nature of prostitution (Hughes 2004, pp. 3, 4, 7). Sex will sell as long as there are men. Henslin, J. M. (2008). Seeing the social context. Boston, Ma: Allyn Bacon. Hughes, D. M. (2004). Prostitution causes and solutions (Adobe Digital), Retrieved from Winberg, M. (2002, November 28). Address by the swedish deputy prime minister, margareta winberg. Retrieved from 2/9/2010 8:54:09 PM If we could effectively halt the practice of prostitution the consequences in society would be many. The rise in crime would be, in my opinion, almost immediate. Sexual crimes such as rape and sodomy would be but the tip of the iceberg; domestic violence would rise, more violence could ensue because sexually frustrated people are not necessarily the nicest. Also more poverty would be one outcome, because prostitution is a mean of income for many; therefore robbery, drug dealing, burglary and other illegal means of income would rise as well. Should we do away with prostitution if we could? As I thought of my answer for this question, an interesting memory came back to me: when I was a teenager my parents would not allow me to wear loose fitting baggy clothes because they felt that a person should dress appropriately and that the baggy style looked street or like you had no home. In my mind I found my parents to be too stereotypical, they needed to Americanize; after all, we had left our fitted-jeans country a long time ago, who would judge me by my clothes? The more they denied me the right to dress like that, the more I wanted to; I would sneak my fathers t-shirts to school, I would borrow my friends X-L sweat pants and change in the bathroom at my school. I felt I was cool, I fit in with the rest of my peers; of course I was caught various times, but I didnt care, Id continue to do it. One day my parents sat me down and said, OK, we get it, you want to dress like the rest to be cool, youre allowed to do so, baggy outf its are added to the swear jar I felt like I won, I dressed baggy almost every day for three weeks and paid a dollar to the swear jar, and thenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the magic wore off. I was no longer going against anyone; there was no thrill of getting caught, nothing; if anything I was losing money for my stubbornness. I went back to dressing appropriately. My parents were very smart when they did this, although they did not like it, they approved it and taxed it (which I later learned was the money we used for family outings), everyone got their way. Where am I getting to? Well, I feel that we should play it smart. If we were able to successfully stop prostitution, the negative outcomes may outweigh the positive ones. Instead, I think that we should legalize prostitution, set guidelines for the practice such as testing every week, no pimps, males allowed to work in this profession (EEO) and best of all: tax it; right or wrong it could stimulate the economy. This could have positive outcomes in that, there would be less scandals, less sexual crimes, possibly less STDs going around and a monetary gain to the government. Organizing prostitution so that it is not exploitation of women, I believe is possible. Exploitation by means of prostitution is a matter of perspective; one can argue that the woman is exploiting the men. The men exploit the women by satisfying his own needs and the women are exploiting the men because they know he has them and is willing to pay. With the exception of prostitutes who are slaved by their pimps, I dont think anyone is exploiting the women. Perhaps if there were rights or laws protecting prostitution as a profession, such as no pimps, medical rights and protection from harassment, the perspective of exploitation could be done away with. Henslin, J. M. (2008). Social problems: A down-to-Earth approach. 8th edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. The Larry Mahoney Case Read Issues in Social Problems on page 121 of your text. Larry Mahoney served ten years in the Kentucky state prison at La Grange. In at least four paragraphs, prepare your discussion around the case questions: Do you think this was just? Instead of going to prison, do you think that he should have been fined and had his drivers license revoked? Or should he have been given the death sentence, as some prosecutors demanded? What do you think would have been appropriate? Respond to at least two of your classmates postings. I feel that the Larry Mahoney case was treated very lightly. I do not feel that his punishment was just. Yet I am forced to say it was well handled. The jury charged him with manslaughter and other lesser offenses and recommended 16 years of imprisonment, and under Kentucky law the judge could not add to the sentence. It is beyond me why the fact that he drove drunk and killed any amount of people didnt get him his license revoked permanently! Was the sentence just? Yesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to an extent. It is bizarre to me how some prosecutors throw the death penalty request around like its any other paper request in an office. Its supposed to be justice right? How is it fair that a man who killed 27 people, gets to die and the family of the dead get to live with the pain, sorrow and hurt in their hearts, bodies and soul? No death penalty, let him live to face the consequences; and besides, how would justice for accidentally killing people be served by purposely killing someone else? That is like swatting your childs hand and yelling hitting people is wrong, dont do it! I am FOR the death penalty when it comes to serial anything, killer, rapist, et al. They pose an extreme danger to society, we cannot teach them a lesson, we cannot re-wire their brains, they are not remorseful Fining him and revoking his license should have been done regardless of him going to jail or not, regardless of him killing people or not; it should have been done regardless of any outcome when he was found drunk behind the wheel. Spending 16 years in jail seems to me to be a bit fair, because that is what the jury delivered; I was not there, I am not aware of how the law worked back then and I believe that if 12 complete strangers all come to the same agreement of justice, then justice was served for them. I do not, however, agree with the fact that his license was not revoked, or that he was eligible for parole; good conduct or not, he should have served the full sentence. The sentence I would consider fair, would be: 54 years imprisonment No eligibility for parole Permanent revocation of all driving privileges We can sit here and argue all day on this subject, but the truth is that our judicial system is far better now than it was back then. Justice was served for that time, not ours. Henslin, J. M. (2008). Social problems: A down-to-Earth approach. 8th edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Problems with Cheap Food

Problems with Cheap Food Casey Vorfa Food fight: Worldviews on food production and consumption Cheap Food Is Simply Unaffordable During the past few decades, the Food industrys productivity levels have skyrocketed and our food system is now able to produce large quantities of food in very short time spans. Furthermore, these products are sold at extremely low prices in order to attract consumers. At first glance this seems like an ideal food system but unfortunately things arent as they seem. Producing unlimited amounts of cheap, processed food actually costs a lot of energy and has harmful effects on the environment, animals and our own health . Therefore, finding new sustainable ways of producing food remains crucial. First of all it is important to understand how the food industry manages to sell its products at such an irresistible price. The reason is simple. All large food companies have one single goal : maximizing their profit. In order to do so, they want to make sure that they produce and sell as much as possible in a very short period of time. In order to increase their yield companies use advanced technology and an alarming amounts of resources such as pesticides, herbicides, fossil fuel and corn. In particular corn is of great importance, it is used as a preserving agent and also as food to cattle. More than 12 billion b.u of corn are produced annually(1). Furthermore, with fossil fuel levels running low, corn is turned into ethanol and later used as fuel. The food companies can sell us their products at such cheap prices because the corn that they buy and use doesnt cost them a thing. The price of corn is being maintained at low levels in an artificial way. Over the past decade the US Federal Government has spent more than 50 billion dollars into the corn industry(2). This is the why unprocessed organic foods are so much more expensive. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a dollar could buy 1200 calories of potato chips or 875 calories of soda but just 250 calories of vegetables or 170 calories of fresh fruit (3). In a few words, the large food companies have been receiving financial support by the government. No wonder unprocessed foods are much more expensive and unaffordable. They havent been receiving any royal treatment. One of the main flaws of our food production system is that it is very energy-intense. The food industry is heavily dependent on the use of oil and fossil fuels. In order to increase their output food industries use diesel powered tractors, irrigation pumps, pesticides and herbicides made of natural gas and petroleum. In fact, in the U.S about 10 percent of the energy budget goes to producing, distributing, processing, preparing and preserving the plant and animal matter we consume (4). However, the amount of food that is produced is much smaller than the amount of energy used to produce it. For instance, the U.S expends roughly ten units of fossil energy to produce one unit of food energy (5). Thus, if companies are already producing large amounts of food an unimaginable amount of energy is used to make it. It seems that the large food companies are ignoring the energy crisis we are in. For decades industries have been exploiting Earth’s natural resources as if these resource s were to last forever and the food industry has been no exception. Considering the fact that the global population is increasing and that we are running out of fossil fuels we will no longer be able to satisfy the increasing demand.The demand for meat and poultry is expected to increase by 25 percent by 2015 (6). In addition, the price of oil and other fossil fuels will also increase. Hence, the current food production system is unsustainable and will eventually collapse. Not only is our current food system very energy demanding but it also damages our ecosystems and harms animals. As one of the main energy consumers the food industry is also one of the major water, air and soil polluters. Burning fossil fuels create greenhouse gases which contribute to global warming. Intensive farming requires large amounts of chemical fertilizers. In American farms more than 10 million tons of fertilizers are being used for corn alone. 23 million for all crops (7). All these chemicals end up in rivers, lakes or in seas contributing to water pollution, soil contamination and in what we call dead zones .Dead Zones are areas of approximately 6000 -sq-mi area which contain no oxygen, killing all forms of sea life. There are nearly 400 dead zones and these dead zones cause the fishing industry to lose 212 000 tons of seafood a year (8). But our food system does not only pollute our land by releasing chemicals. Our ecosystem is also affected by the large amount of manure our system releases. One pig can produce four times more waste than humans (9). Considering the number of pigs and other livestock we can definitely say that a tremendous amount of waste is produced. All of this waste is thrown into giant pits called lagoons. These lagoons contain so much waste that they become toxic and they are one of the main causes of pollution in the United States (10). They also pollute the land with heavy metals like cadmium, selenium, zinc, copper and arsenic(11). Furthermore, industrial agriculture also contributes in soil erosion and the loss of biodiversity. Monoculture crops are vast spaces of land where only one type of plant grows. These crops create an ecological vacuum that insects take advantage which reduces the quality of soil (12). These crops also reduce biodiversity which damages the food chain. But the degradation of animal life doesnt end there. Because the food industry wants to make us much profit as possible thousands of animals are cramm ed together in small contracted areas where they never get to see sunlight. Apparently, for large companies animal welfare and our environment are much less important than making profit. Most importantly cheap food has also affected consumers health in a variety of negative ways . Processed foods are low in nutrients, high in salt, sugar and fat. Moreover, three-fourth of the world food sales involve processed foods which means cheap food has reached almost every country. Different studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between consuming cheap foods and the chances of developing different types of diseases. Since the late 1970s, obesity rates have more than doubled among children 6 to 11 of age and more than tripled among those 12 to 19 of age (13). Products like SSBs (sugar sweetened beverages) are major contributors to childhood obesity, as well as to long term weight gain, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (14). Furthermore, the chemicals and hormones that are added in our food also cause health issues. Danish Scientists have proven that hormone residues in beef are linked to high rates of breast and prostate cancer, as well as early onset puberty in girls(15). Moreover, all the waste and pollution that is caused by our food production system doesnt only affect animals but it affects our health as well. For instance, livestock manure pollutes the air with hydrogen sulphide which is linked to respiratory and neurological diseases (16). Hence, cheap food comes with very high costs to our health. Our current food system has many drawbacks, therefore it is important that we find new sustainable ways of producing food. First of all we posses technology that could decrease pollution and spare resources. Anaerobic digesters and micro turbines can convert manure into renewable, low-carbon biogas-fired electricity. Carbon dioxide could be used to grow algae for food and algae could easily be converted into bio-fuels. In addition, drip irrigation seems promising. Drip irrigation consists of underground tubes that deliver water directly to a plants roots. Researchers at Iowa State University estimate that corn farmers would use 40 percent less water and lower their energy bills by 15 percent with drip irrigation (17). No-till agriculture is yet an other promising option. This method involves planting seeds without turning the soil which reduces soil disturbance. Argentina already uses this advanced technique for more than half of its farms. Even though these methods are very helpful there is a lot more to be done. For the past decades large food companies have driven farmers off the land. In fact, nine out of ten hog farmers have left the business since 1979 (18). With unemployment levels getting higher by the day returning to the old way of farming might be a solution. Although it may seem that local farmers dont stand a chance towards the large food companies that is not necessarily true. If we support local farmers and the local food movement we are playing our part into stopping the food industrys harmful practices. Furthermore, companies like Niman Ranch have created networks of small scale farmers who only sale natural meat to restaurants (19). Other companies like Bon Appetit encourage their costumers to make environmental friendly choices. Our behavior as consumers also has a large impact on the energy ratio. Even though we might not realize it, our every day choices do have an influence on the amount of energy that is being used. Our diets one of them. If we eat meat every single day the amount of fossil fuels used is a lot greater than if we ate grain everyday. Meat is four times as energy demanding as grains are. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we should eat grains everyday but reducing our meat consumption and eating more foods that are less energy demanding does have a large impact. Restaurant owners might decide to sell in smaller proportions and keep the leftovers. Moreover, maybe we should think twice before going to eat at buffets. As consumers we should also think about not wasting our own food and not buying more than we need. The USDA estimates that Americans throw out 14 percent of the food that they buy which results in the waste of large amounts of resources (20). Thus our decisions as consumers can have large impacts on the food system. In conclusion, our society simply cannot afford cheap food. Our current food production system is not only highly inefficient but also harms our planet, animals and our own health. Fortunately for us it is not too late to change things. The use of modern technology to manage waste, supporting local farmers and Eco-friendly products are only some of the few ways to create a new sustainable way of producing food. References (1),(2),(3), (6),(7),(8),(19),(20) : Walsh, Bryan, Getting Real About High Price of Cheap Food , Time in Partnership with CNN, August 21, 2009 (4),(5)(9),(16)(17) : Webber, Michael E., More Food Less Energy, Scientific American, January 2012 (10),(11) (15),(16)(18) : Schloser, Eric â€Å" Cheap Food Nation Siera, November/December 2006 : Kaplan, David, Food Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy : Nestle, Marion Food Marketing and Childhood Obesity The New England Journal of Medicine, Boston, June 15 2006. : Stuckler, David and Nestle Marion, Big Food, Food Systems and Global Health Plos Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2012

Physics of Lift Essay -- physics lift airplane fly

Lift is a commonly used term to describe "something" that results in objects moving upwards against the force caused by gravity. This "something" is actually a force in itself. Lift is one of the four main forces that act upon all objects that move through the air. These four forces are: # Lift - an upward force on the object # Weight - a downward force due to the acceleration of gravity # Thrust - a forward force (propulsion) # Drag - a force caused by resistance that acts in the opposite direction of thrust Lift is a simple concept to grasp, yet the reason it exists is a complex one. To this day there is still great debate over what is the cause of lift. There are several popular explanations given which are commonly found in student textbooks, and even pilot training manuals, yet these popular explanations do not stand up to serious physics analysis. The most common of these arguments is based off of Bernoulli’s Principle. As it has been named, "Bernoulli’s" argument states that the reason lift is created in wings is that the upper surface of the wing is curved, and therefore longer than the underside of the wing (In truth, Bernoulli had nothing to do with this explanation of lift, it is only attributed to his principle). The argument goes on to say that if the upper surface is longer than that of the bottom, the air flowing over the upper surface must travel faster as it has farther to travel. Using Bernoulli’s Principle this explanation says that because the air traveling over the top of the wing is moving faster than the air under the wing the air above the wing exerts less pressure on the wing than the air under the wing. If there is less pressure above the wing then the air under the wing will push upwards on the... ...del for lift, even though it works in reality. In conclusion it can be seen that lift is derived from the fact that for there to exist a lifting force created in the wings the wings must exert a force on the air around them. The wings are able to do this due to the viscosity of air and the Coanda effect. By manipulating the wing's curves and angle of attack a pilot may preform great stunts and feats not possible if lift were to be explained through other incorect models. More information about lift, as well as a very detailed explanation of exactly how a wing interacts with the air around it can be read in the journal article: "A unified viscous theory of lift and drag of 2-d thin airfoils and 3-d thin wings" author Yates, John, published by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program in 1991.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Decline in Black Admissions to Universities :: essays research papers

If you are a student at an HBCU, looking around your classroom or on the yard hoping to see a familiar brown face is probably never an issue, but for students at colleges and universities where African American enrollment is now steadily declining, it is definitely a concern. Larissa Lincoln, a senior sociology major at the University of Washington knows what it is like to feel alienated or alone on campus. â€Å"Sometimes when I’m in a lecture there will be 200 people and I can count about six or seven black students. Its very noticeable walking around that there is not enough blacks being admitted to college.† After the 2003 Supreme Court decision that required schools like the University of Michigan to change their admittance procedure and evaluate students not based on their minority status, but individually, Michigan is now reporting the smallest class of African American freshmen in 15 years. Many state universities in California, Georgia and much of the Midwest have also noticed a significant decline when it comes to admitting blacks. Enrollment for freshmen at the University of Georgia was down by 26 percent, 29 percent for Ohio State and 32 percent at the University of Illinois’ Urbana-Champaign. While there is no single explanation for the low numbers, a few factors should be taken into consideration. According to Jason S. Mironov, President of the University of Michigan’s student body, the process for getting accepted to Michigan has become more challenging. â€Å"The application became significantly harder. Unless you were absolutely sure you wanted to go to Michigan, many students were reluctant to spend a great deal of time with the application.† Rising tuition costs also play a role in discouraging lower-income students from applying and out-of-state fee’s for many schools seem almost unattainable for many students. Affirmative action laws also have their place in the decline of black students, many students feel that if it weren’t for affirmative action or other guidelines set to help minorities, then they would not consider applying to more prestigious schools.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Are Government Attempts to Control Population Ineffective? Essay

Today, keeping control of the population is a huge issue that is on all of the world leader’s minds. The amount of people you have in your country is hugely important to whether you have enough resources, jobs, food, education, health services etc. It is mandatory that governments keep a track of the population and keep a lid on it if necessary. Many countries have implemented schemes, laws and policies that have tried to change the population demographic for the better of the country. I am going to discuss whether these policies have been effective in their job in controlling population, or not. In China 1979, a famous policy was instigated by Deng Xiaoping that limited married couples to have only one child. It was the ‘One-Child Policy’. The reasons for its introduction were that previous to Deng, Mao Zedong had encouraged large families to increase productivity. The birth rate in 1970 was 33.43, so Deng knew something had to be done otherwise they would be seeing mass starvation for everyone by the end of the 20th century if the birth rate continued to rise. They introduced many incentives to give people more of a motivation to have fewer children: †¢5-10% salary bonus for limiting to one child †¢Priority in housing, education and health care for ‘only’ children †¢Higher pensions on retirement for limiting to one child Many sanctions were also introduced if the policy was not stuck to: †¢10% salary reduction for having two children †¢No extra space allocation for having two children †¢Couples have to apply for the right to have children The One-Child Policy seemed originally like a hopefully effective plan, but there were many fundamental flaws that the Chinese government did not think through. For example it plays unfair against the different classes. They did not take into account that rural families need more farm hands and they usually have more children because of this. They paid fines for having more children, which were paid to the rich urban couples who, due to their busy lives, stopped reproducing at the one-child limit anyway. Also, boys were invaluable to rural families as they were strong and would eventually provide for their elderly parents when they grew up. Girls on the other hand were unwanted as they were less strong and would provide for their husband’s family; not her own elderly parents. This caused a huge gender imbalance because sexism against girls began and many young couples purposefully starved or killed their baby girls to have another ‘chance’ for a boy. This means that now there is an unbalanced ratio of boys to girls; 12: 10. This makes it hard for men to find partners and there are many incidents of forced marriages, prostitution and kidnapping as women have become a commodity. There were many procedures done alongside the One-Child Policy to help decrease the fertility rate. They were effective but extremely brutal and inhumane; forced abortions were carried out on a massive scale. Unwilling women were thrown in cells and tortured until they admitted to having an abortion. In 1983 alone 16 million abortions were conducted- that is 44000 abortions a day. Additionally, many couples were sterilised which denied them of their reproductive rights. There were high numbers of infanticide; many children (mainly girls) were abandoned by their parents and were taken into orphanages. Yet these orphanages were seriously undermanned because of the fail to see the increase in abandoned children. The children often suffered tragically as the carers had little knowledge of childcare- 9 out of every 10 children died within one year of being admitted. Furthermore, skulls of infants were being crushed or injected with lethal medicine to place a cap on population growth. Doctors faced demotions, salary cuts or dismissal if they did not comply. These procedures were one of the worst human rights violations that happened related to the policy. The policy did bring success however, as it prevented 400 million additional births which would have placed a monumental burden on the population and government. The lower population has been beneficial to the environment and there are more resources to go around. Children in urban areas have received much better education and more attention and there will therefore be many talented intellectuals emerging from the population in twenty years. It has changed a country with high birth rates, low death rates and high natural increase to a country with low birth rates, low death rates and low natural increase. It has therefore continued through the stages of the Demographic Transition Model and is now almost at stage 4 of the model. Maternal and infant mortality rates have reduced and the average life expectancy has increased. Should the policy be continued, China’s population will eventually peak at around 1.5 billion in around 2050, there will be more food and resources to go around, and literary rates will be at ‘Western’ standards. Also the falling growth rate is estimated to level out and stable as a gentle, manageable natural increase. Nevertheless, today the unforeseen social problems of the poorly planned policy are revealing themselves to the world. There was a tragic disregard for human rights and life during the time when the policy was at its strictest. The worry now is for the future working generations because between 1949 and 1988 China’s population almost doubled and these people are now of child-bearing age and by the 2030s will start to enter the over 60s category. There will be an ageing demographic. This will create a very high dependency ratio and put strain on the working people. The future economic consequences are uncertain due to the rapid rate of growth of China’s economy. This case study should have showed how there are positives and negatives to a national population policy that is implemented suddenly into a country. To answer the question succinctly, no, government policies are not ineffective because they work at reducing birth rate, decreasing fertility and controlling the inhabitants of the country, but it’s the social and ethical impacts and consequences that need evaluating. I personally think that it worked in reducing population growth but the human cost may have far succeeded the supposed benefit due to the large loss of life that should not have been lost and the denial of many basic human rights. Also you may have to take into account that this policy was forced upon the Chinese people by their own government and it was their own leaders that allowed all the monstrosities like abortion and infanticide to take place. Therefore to put concisely, methods of the government to control the population are effective for their simple use but in my view I think that they need to be planned expertly and seriously thought through otherwise a huge unwanted loss of life can occur.

A Look at Life Before the Internet, and After the Internet Essay

Times mother changed, drastically, especially when it comes to the profit. From beveling to geological date and from research to shopping, the network provides us with much(prenominal) conveniences we rarely need to supply our homes. History should non be outlined as B.C. and A.D. it should be delineate as B.I. (before the cyberspace) and A.I. (after the cyberspace). I am at an ripen that has allowed me to experience sprightliness with, and without, the meshing. My kids, however, nurture large(p) up with the net their whole lives. meshing was not an contributeed communication channel when I attend high aim it is a urgency for 4thgraders at my youngest paroles educate. The carry on of the Internet on our e veryday lives has been miraculous. We no longer have to wait in line at the swear, for the arrival of the report or the 500 news on TV, or the call in line to short to communicate with friends or family. Shopping does not of necessity look on driving to the shopping centre and going to school does not inevitably mean go to classes on campus. We departing examine near of the ways the Internet has changed our lives. Let usstart with banking. earlier the Internet, banking meant having to wait for your dictation to balance your chequebook going into the bank to transfer monetary resource and paying your bills by writing checks. immediately you cigaret feeler your bank taradiddle(s) online, and more or less are in real-time, which makebalancing your checkbook very simple. Banks also crevice an online bill-pay service, which means you do nothave to write a check. The property transfers from your account directly to the family to which you owe money. Transferring money between accounts stub be through online as well. Applying for a loan is other service offered by most banks websites, making it possible to come up an answer deep down minutes. Next, we will reason the B.I. and A.I.forms of communication.A Look at Life in the beginning the Internet, and After the Internet Times have changed, drastically, especially when it comes to the Internet. From banking to dating and from research to shopping, the Internet provides us with such conveniences we rarely need to quit our homes. History should not be defined as B.C. and A.D. it should be defined as B.I. (before the Internet) and A.I. (after the Internet).I am at an years that has allowed me to experience life with, and without, the Internet. My kids, however, have enceinte up with the Internet their whole lives. Internet was not an offered course when I be high school it is a extremity for 4thgraders at my youngest sons school. The wallop of the Internet onour everyday lives has been miraculous. We no longer have to wait in line at the bank, for the arrival of the paper or the 500 news on TV, or the phone line to fall out to communicate with friends or family. Shopping does not necessarily mean driving to the promenade and going to s chool does not necessarily mean attending classes on campus. We will examine some of the ways the Internet has changed our lives. Let usstart with banking. Before the Internet, banking meant having to wait for your logical argument to balance your checkbook going into the bank to transfer funds and paying your bills by writing checks. Nowadays you can admission fee your bank account(s) online, and most are in real-time, which makebalancing your checkbook very simple. Banks also offer an online bill-pay service, which means you do nothave to write a check. The money transfers from your account directly to the company to which you owe money.Transferring money between accounts can be done online as well. Applying for a loan is another service offered by most banks websites, making it possible to fool an answer within minutes. Next, we will reason the B.I. and A.I.forms of communication.A Look at Life Before the Internet, and After the Internet Times have changed, drastically, espe cially when it comes to the Internet. From banking to dating and from research to shopping, the Internet provides us with such conveniences we rarely need to leave our homes. History should not be defined as B.C. and A.D. it should be defined as B.I. (before the Internet) and A.I. (after the Internet). I am at an age that has allowed me to experience life with, and without, the Internet. My kids, however, have grown up with the Internet their whole lives. Internet was not an offered course when I attended high school it is a requirement for 4thgraders at my youngest sons school.The impact of the Internet on our everyday lives has been miraculous. We no longer have to wait in line at the bank, for the arrival of the newspaper or the 500 news on TV, or the phone line to clear to communicate with friends or family. Shopping does not necessarily mean driving to the mall and going to school does not necessarily mean attending classes on campus. We will examine some of the ways the Intern et has changed our lives. Let usstart with banking. Before the Internet, banking meant having to wait for your statement to balance your checkbook going into the bank to transfer funds and paying your bills by writing checks. Nowadays you can access your bank account(s) online, and most are in real-time, which makebalancing yourcheckbook very simple. Banks also offer an online bill-pay service, which means you do nothave to write a check. The money transfers from your account directly to the company to which you owe money. Transferring money between accounts can be done online as well. Applying for a loan is another service offered by most banks websites, making it possible to receive an answer within minutes. Next, we will discuss the B.I. and A.I.forms of communication.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hum/176 Week 1

Hello thank you for your submission this week. Here is some feedback to help you measure your assignment contribution versus what was expected in this assignment. revel see the following as a chair for how your responses measured versus the ideal retorts to this activity. grant News Media, extract 1 Toolwire Learnscape Credibility and carry on Purpose of Assignment In this Learnscape, school-age childs take on the role of substitute Speech put outr for Senator Owen jakesson.Students affair the earnings (via a creation of Content consisting of 12 grades hosted on the Toolwire system) to secernate credibleness issues related to the use of mesh guinea pig as it pertains to political issues. In doing so, they also cast to discern which sources ar most credible and be able to substantiate this. The educatee is also asked to check over a speech outline from the senator and preserve an previous paragraph addressing the effect of the Internet on politics.Resources necessitate Toolwire Learnscape Credibility and Impact Grading Guide estimation A Part One Credibility and Impact Exploring the Internet and Politics Summary This interaction is the beginning(a) sort of the assessment (Part A). The student opens the InVision original person coating and uses a drag-and-drop list to assess the credibility of the settles from the genuinelyity of Content dashboard.When the student has completed the drag-and-drop list, they close the InVision Pro applications programme and their BlackBerry Smartphone rings with a television system mention from the senator. Character Text InVision Pro book of instructions Indicate whether each Web site is credible by dragging and dropping your Application answer from the list at the left. Student drags yes or no to the presumable? column from a list to the left of the table. The why? column will automatic tout ensembley populate with notes from the Notepad of the Universe of Content inte raction. When finished, the student is prompted to close the application. Completed table should manner like the below (answers) Website Credible? Why? The grind Report No News aggregator travel by by known conservative Matt cut into Certainly, he has his own agenda, but could someone take over Drudge to promote or bury a story? Daily Kos No The largest modern community web log in the United States What are the qualifications of the posters? Do they research their posts or just rave opinions? The Huffington expect No Named after founder and editor-in-chief, Arianna Huffington Her individualized views drive the content, which leans quite liberal. POLITICO Yes It nips like it tries to quail at a bit deeper than mainstream media.The fractional parole, half blog format whitethorn make it hard to bet out what to take at face value. salon Yes Self-described award-winning o nline news and entertainment website. Forbes calls it smart and provocative. Its well respected, but where does the entertainment end and the news begin? Whats written to deliberately heighten? Colbert dry land No Is this truth or waggery? When comedy is the goal, can you ever tell whats real and whats skewed just for a laugh? The Hill Yes Nonpartisan, nonideological with the largest circulation of the Capitol Hill newspapers This is where Congress gets its news. Could it use its influence to sway political insiders? The Nation Yes This site has been reporting since the Lincoln administration. The mission is clear The Nation will not be the organ of any(prenominal) party, sect, or body. It will, on the contrary, make an earnest causal agency to bring to the discussion of political and social questions a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and magic by which so muc h of the political composition of the day is marred. from The Nations founding prospectus, 1865 That is tough to argue with. Red, fleeceable and Blue No Environmental politics from crossways the spectrum likely a bias towards only observation stories that support their position on the environment. Crooks and Liars No John Amatos blog All opinions with some references to real news outlets. scarcely where are the facts? The Washington Post Yes The radixtown newspaper of national politics A batch of Pulitzers gives WaPo all the credibility it needs. The New York Times Yes internationally acclaimed, you cannot get more respected than The Gray Lady. But that doesnt mean there will never be bias or a fighting of interest. Assessment A Part Two execute the Senator to the highest degree Credibility, (at Student Office) Credibility and Impact Exploring the Internet and Politics Summary This i nteraction is the second half of the first part of the assessment (Part A). The student receives a video call on their BlackBerry Smartphone from the senator.After a brief hello interchange, the senator asks the student to comment on credibility issues pertaining to using entropy from Internet sources. The student answers via a 140-character short-answer format. After the student sends that information, the senator will call back to acknowledge receipt. When the student hangs up, the scene transitions to the students apartment. Character Text Senator Owen Wow, thats fast.Now that youve through the legwork, I need you to comment on credibility Johnson issues pertaining to using information from Internet sources. What do you theorize? Student (via Answer should include You should look for more information about a Web site, as its short-answer text often not obvious whether its nonpartisan, leans left or right, or even employs box) professional journalists. To re ally find out if a site is credible, you often have to look past the home page.Many sites have a long track evince of credibility, but that does not exempt them from any and all possibility of bias, conflicts of interest, or misreporting in the future. The worlds greatest news outlets all make mistakes sometimes. You should look at ein truththing with a grain of salt. Someone may leave out a fact by accident, bury a story that puts a ace in a bad light, or set off something deliberately false to advance their career. Assessment B Writing the Speech, (at Student Office) Credibility and Impact Exploring the Internet and Politics Summary This interaction is the second part of the assessment (Part A). The student is in their office to write the introductory paragraph for the speech. The student opens the outline so that they may use it for reference. They then open a new document in the InVision Pro application and write a short-answer essay (100- to 350- words) in the application. Per the senators instructions from his netmail, the student then attaches the document to an e-mail to the senator. When the student clicks Send, the interaction is complete. Character Text InVision Write Pro The student must write a short-answer essay (100- to 350-words) as the introductory paragraph to the senators speech about the effect of the Internet on politics. Answer should include Politics now change very rapidly.Politicians must be able to react speedily to what is happening in the world. More voter confederacy in Internet media provides politicians with more information about what Americans want. Internet technology allows politicians to reach more people, more often. Written Response Answers Vary Students provide a 250 word response providing an explanation as to whether or not the information media have social responsibility.